I hope the joy of Easter is continuing for you today as Easter is not just one day but 50 days in the church calendar.
First things first: THANK YOU! Thank you to everyone who helped make Holy Week and Easter so wonderful. Especially thank you to Frank and Judy C for organizing the Easter Breakfast (yumm). To Becky P for organizing the flower order and decorating the sanctuary (beautiful). To Lyudmila and the wonderful celebration choir, bells and Jeff for all the practice that went into singing at Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Easter Vigil and Easter morning, it was a delight to hear. To everyone who served as communion assistants, ushers, readers, and worship assistants over the three days, for your willingness to serve God and God's people. To the Easter Bunny who made a lot of kids, young and old, really excite to see him and receive some goodies. To everyone who invited friends and family to join us, whether they were able to attend or not, you were sharing the Easter message with them. And to all of you for being such a delightful community of God, God is truly present in each of you.
A few announcements
- Items are being collected for the tag sale on May 14. Please bring in gently used items to the church basement. Official donation times are on Thursday evenings, Saturday mornings and Sundays before and after worship. However if you would like to stop by during a different time please give me a call to make sure the church will be open, or if you have a key stop by anytime.
- Bible Studies continue this week! Women's bible study at 7:30pm at the parsonage on Wednesday and a co-ed study of the book of Revelation on Sunday at 9am.
- Council is meeting on Monday May 9 at 7:30pm, all are invited to attend.
Book of Faith Puzzler
Last week's question was: What festival was being celebrated the week of Jesus’ death in Jerusalem ? A) Rosh Hashanah B) Passover C) Yom Kippur D) Mardi Gras. There are multiple references in each of the four gospel that tell of the preparations for Passover that were occurring while Jesus was in Jerusalem during his final week. It was also after the Seder meal that Jesus took the bread and cup and commanded that we eat and drink in remembrance of him. It is also because of the Passover celebrations that the soldiers made sure Jesus was dead before sunset and why it wasn’t until Sunday that the women returned to care for Jesus’ body. Congratulations to Paul D for winning the puzzler.
This week's question is: How many days was Jesus dead? A) 1 B) 3 C) 7 D) 40 If you know the question, or are willing to look it up, email me with the correct answer by noon on Wednesday to be entered into this week's drawing.
Yesterday's sermon
A written version can be found here. How have others told you about the Easter message? How are you spreading the Easter message? How have you seen the Lord?
Sunday's worship
Serving this week is:
Worship Assistant - Ryan H
Reader ______
Communion Assistant - Cheryl M
Ushers ______
Bread Baker - Becca MC
Counter - Frank C
Coffee Hour Hosts - Dorothy H & Nancy L
Please let me know if you are willing to serve as a reader or usher on Sunday
Sunday's text
The Second Sunday of Easter, the gospel is always the story of "doubting" Thomas, John 20:19-31. When have you needed proof in order to believe? When have other's testimonies not been enough but you have needed to explore, to see, for yourself? How are we all like "doubting" Thomas? What ways are we to be like him? What ways are we to not be like him?
The first lesson is Acts 2:14a, 22-32, Peter's Pentecost sermon. Peter preached about Jesus' death and resurrection and looks to the Psalms (16:8-11 to be exact) to show that Jesus is the Messiah. How have Old Testament scriptures helped you understand Jesus as the messiah? Can we, followers of Jesus, just get rid of the Old Testament?
The second lesson is 1 Peter 1:3-9. Verse 8 reads "Although you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy." How do you love Jesus, who you have not seen physically? How do you believe in him and rejoice? What are ways that you do see him?
Have a blessed Easter week!
Pastor Becca