I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day, filled with fun and our gorgeous weather, and a few moments to remember those who have died in war, our troops, our enemies and civilian casualties.
And thank you to everyone who help me celebrate my birthday this weekend. Especially Becky P for putting together such a fantastic coffee hour and Karin R for making 2am brownies to make sure that I had a cake.
A few quick announcements
June is a busy month for Bethlehem, especially on Sundays.
- Sunday, June 5. Last Sunday School of the year will start at 9am - an intergenerational program on the Holy Spirit. 10am is Youth Sunday with Ryan H as our preacher.
- Sunday June 12 is Pentecost. Wear red, support Aidan and Dylan C as they are baptized into Christ's family, and afterwards spend some time at all the festivities of Georgetown Day
- Sunday June 19 is Holy Trinity Sunday. The C and C families will affirm their baptisms and become members of Bethlehem and afterwards we will celebrate Father's Day with a coffee hour of beer, pretzels and hot dogs.
A few calls for help
- Sunday technically was the last day to order flowers for Pentecost, but if you call Becky P ASAP you will probably still be able to put in an order.
- On Pentecost, as we hear the list of nationalities that people heard the apostles speak in their own languages, we will add modern nationalities and languages. If you are willing to read John 3:16 in a language other than English, please let me know. Thus far people have volunteered to read in Akkadian, Finnish, German, Japanese, Russian, Summarian, and Swedish.
Book of Faith Puzzler
Last week’s question was: In Sunday’s Gospel, we hear one of Jesus’ famous I am sayings “I am the way, the truth and the life”, which of these does Jesus NOT call himself? A) I am the light of the world. B) I am the boat. C) I am the door. D) I am the vine Jesus has many I am statements, especially in the gospel of John. He says “I am the light of the world” in John 8:12 . In John 10:9 he says “I am the door” referring to the door or gate to the sheep pen. In John 15:1 he calls himself the vine. So Jesus never calls himself the boat. Congratulations to Frank C for winning this week's puzzler. But since he wasn't in worship, I gave a loaf of bread to the first person who could tell me another "I am" statement of Jesus. That winner was Nancy B for knowing Jesus said "I am the good shepherd."
This week’s question: In today’s gospel, Jesus calls the Holy Spirit the Advocate. Which is not another name for the Holy Spirit? A) Spirit of Understanding, B) the Counselor C) Breath of God, D) Wave of God. Email me the answer by noon tomorrow to be entered into this week's drawing.
Sunday's Sermon
You can read the sermon here if you missed it. What does the Holy Spirit look like? Did you see the Holy Spirit in the mirror as you left the sanctuary on Sunday? Have you seen the Holy Spirit in the mirror since?
Assisting this Sunday
For Youth Sunday, our middle school and high school students are taking on many roles
Preacher: Ryan H
Worship leaders: Ryan H and Tori M
Readers: Anna R & Nini C
Communion Assistant: Emma B
Ushers: Rebecca A & Dylan R
Bread baker/bringer: Regina B
Communion set up: Becky P
Offering Counter: ________
Coffee Hour Host: R family
This Sunday's Readings
The first lesson is Acts 1:6-14. This reading both has Jesus ascension and is an introduction to the following week's reading of the Pentecost. What does it mean to you that Jesus was lifted up to heaven after his resurrection? Do you think about this that often? The last verse, verse 14, says some women were with the disciples as they devoted themselves in prayer an when Jesus first appeared to the disciples after his resurrection. What does it mean that this community was more than the 11 disciples, especially one that included both men and women? Does this community look like our modern church?
The second lesson is 1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11. The section from chapter 4 tells the reader that believers will face suffering and scorn as a result of their faith. The section from chapter 5 gives us commands for how we should handle suffering by humbling ourselves, giving up our anxieties, keeping alert from evil and resist it. Have you ever been mocked because of your faith? How have you relied on your faith to help you in such a situation? How have you followed those commands?
The gospel is John 17:1-11. This is part of a prayer that Jesus prays the night before his crucifixion. He is asking God that those who will continue in his work may continue in unity. There is far from unity in Christianity today with hundreds of denominations (not ever all Lutherans can get along). In recent decades there have been major steps to bring denominations closer together including full communion partnerships (including between the ELCA, Episcopal, Methodist and UCC churches) but there has also been more denominations formed (including congregations leaving the ELCA to form the North American Lutheran Church). What are some ways that we are working towards unity? What are some things that keep us from unity?
Hope you all have a blessed week!