Thursday, October 8, 2009


One of the joys of being a solo employee is that I get to work my own schedule. There is no clock to punch in and out of, I don't have to worry about being late to work or having to find comp time in case I need to leave early for a doctors appointment. However one of the major downsides is motivational support.

This week I have been mainly working doing "office work" at the house instead of the office. The main reason for this is that the church is uninsulated. And while the weather has cooled off enough that the windows are closed, it is not cold enough yet to really turn on the heat. The house (which is insulated) has remained a comfortable temperature, but the church building has been freezing since it also doesn't get much morning. Okay I'm rambling, the point being, I've been working from home.

And for the most part I love it! I normally have to walk back and forth between the two buildings a few times a day, to get something, drop something off, etc. However the downside is that I end up sitting in the same chair to work on my sermon that I watch TV in. Oh so tempting. Soon you are checking your email, checking up on the news, reading a few blogs, etc and then an hour goes by without any work getting done. Another hour sucked into the void that can be the internet.

So I decided that I need to actually create a schedule for me in order to keep me on track. I broke up Monday, Wednesday and Thursday with general things that i need to accomplish each week. Monday I need to print off commentaries, call at least 2 people, and get any thank you, birthday and anniversary cards written. Wednesday I need to prepare for both bible studies, have one visit or community thing, and Thursday I need to write my sermon, have a visit or community event and get any odds and ends done for the weekend. I also decided that I need to start each day out with a walk/workout, some personal Bible study and some time, but only 45 mins, to check my email, facebook, blogs, etc. Ohh and I didn't do anything for Tuesday because Bob and I leave the house VERY early on Tuesdays so he and go to the train station and I hang out at a coffee shop reading commentaries before going to the local clergy gathering.

Since making this list yesterday, I have felt much more focused and on task, knowing that I can take a 15 minute break later in the day to check more email but also not feeling attached to the internet. I also have been leaving my chair a bit more to work at the table or in a different area, which also keeps me more focus. Here's hoping and praying that my motivation continues.

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