Thursday, April 29, 2010

Singing with Babies

One of the ideas I have for Bethlehem is to start a monthly worship service that is focused on very young children.  This idea also stemmed out of one of the presentations I attended at Baby Pastor School, which was about Godly play, a get on the floor and use props to tell Bible Stories to young children. So I have been toying with how to incorporate that idea into something that good for the members of Bethlehem and would reach out to the community as well. My mind then thought of Linda.

Linda was the music director/Associate in Ministry at my internship congregation.  She would do mommy and me music classes and at a previous congregation she started a birth to 3 year old Sunday school class for parents and children. So I contacted Linda to see if I could come and observe some of her music classes.  Well because of the economy the demand for these classes has waned. However the woman who got her involved in teaching young children is still teaching two Sally's Music Circle classes on Monday mornings. 

So within my 48 hour trip to Philly, I was able to observe two classes, receive some old material from Linda along with half a carload of musical instruments and other objects that she was no longer using, and pick her brain a little about what worked for her both in the Sunday School class and in the music classes.  And of course as long as I was in Philly, was saw a few friends and got my soft pretzel fix.

And as an added bonus, this week is also convocation week at LTSP, my seminary alma mater.  I did attended any of their special presentations since that wasn't way I came to Philly, but I was able to attend Easter Vesper, which is a special evening worship service featuring the seminary choir.  It is always a great time to be able to worship and not lead worship.  Plus the seminary chapel has wonderful acoustics so the singing is phenomenal!

Ohh so were does this new worship stand for now?  Well I need to inventory all the instruments that are still in my car and get a few more materials, but my hope is that starting in the fall I will be to start a "Worship Together" service on Saturday mornings.  I was originally thinking once a month, but Linda and others have said the repetition is good for children so I maybe it will be most Saturdays...still toying with the idea, but I'll keep you updated.

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