Monday, November 15, 2010

MMC: Christ is the King

Good Morning!

This coming week & weekend is a busy weekend at Bethlehem so I wanted to remind you of some announcements.
  • If you are interested in going on the intergenerational mission trip to western Virginia this July, an informational meeting will be this Tuesday at 7:30 at St. Michael's New Canaan.  If you need a ride or want to car pool, please give me a call/email. 
  • Saturday is the neighborhood dessert party at the parsonage starting at 6:30pm.  Bring your tastebuds, friends, family, neighbors, and possibly your favorite dessert to the parsonage as we gather for fun and fellowship with the congregation and our neighbors.
  • On Sunday during worship we will be celebrating the baptism of Wyatt Santorella.  After worship will be an intergenerational advent festival; make an advent calendar for your home and crismoms for your home or to be hung on Bethlehem's tree.
Some people have talked to me about the possibility of having an additional worship service on Christmas Eve that is later in the evening (probably at 10pm).  If you would attend the later service on Christmas Eve, will you please let me know.  At this point, we are trying to see what the interest level is to determine if it is feasible.

This week's Book of Faith Puzzler is: In Genesis 4, Cain murders Abel because he is angry.  Why is Cain angry? A) Adam liked Abel more.  B) God liked Abel’s offering more than Cain’s offering. C) Abel was going to be given the inheritance.  D) Eve gave Cain the harder chores. E) Cain wanted to be the only child on earth.  If you know the answer (or think you do), send me an email by noon on Wednesday to be enter into this week's drawing.

Now onto the texts:

This coming Sunday is the last Sunday of the church year when we celebrate Christ as the King.  The text have us both looking back to Easter and remembering Christ as a non-traditional king and also have us looking forward to Advent and Christmas as they announce Christ is coming.  They also have us looking forward to the future kingdom of God where Jesus reigns.

The first reading is Jeremiah 23:1-6.  Many of us have never run into a flock of sheep and scattered them, but most of us have walked through a flock of pigeons or other birds to have them fly off or scamper away.  Some of us do this reluctantly, not wanting to disturb the birds, or after watching a few too many Hitchock films, don't want the birds to attack us.  Other delight in scattering the birds, watching them fly off, or hoping you have scared them off from returning to your garden.  Which are you?  The Lord warns that we are the ones to scatter the sheep, have you scattered the sheep reluctantly and by accident or with delight? And does our intent matter?  The last paragraph for tells a righteous king.  How is Jesus the righteous king?

The second reading is Colossians 1:11-20.  This passage refers to Christ as the image of God, the firstborn of creation, before all things, the head of the church, the beginning, the firstborn from the dead and that in him all things are created, the church becomes the church, and the fullness of God is located.  Do you see Christ as these things and in these things?  How do you imagine Christ and how do you see Christ in creation?

The gospel is Luke 23:33-43.  This passage brings us back to Good Friday with Jesus on the cross, tortured, mocked, and his clothing being gambled over.  While he hung on the cross a sign posted above him announced him as the King of the Jews while people mock him with the same words.  How is Jesus not kingly in this gospel?  And how is Jesus an unexpected king in this passage?

If you have any thoughts on these texts please email/call/come to the women's bible study on Wednesday night at 7:30.  

And let me know if you are interested in the later worship service on Christmas Eve

Have a great week!
Pastor Becca

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