Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Christmas Wrap-up

So I know that we are closer to January 25th than December 25th but I wanted to say a few words about how wonderful Christmas Eve was at Bethlehem.

After a few people discussed with me the possibility of having a second, later, Christmas Eve worship, I talked to our Director of Music to make sure it works with her schedule.  We then polled the congregation, as both of us staff members were willing to have a second service but we wanted more than 5 people to be there.  By my estimates about 20 people were planning on attending the later service.

A few people did express concerns to me that with Bethlehem being such a small congregation, it has always been a moral booster to see the sanctuary full on Christmas Eve at 5pm and they were worried that with the later service the sanctuary would not be full.

Well that turned out not to be something to worry about.  We had 89 people at the first service (WOO HOO) and an additional 38 people at the later service!  It was just amazing.

The 5pm service was the production of a service, with myself and a volunteer going through the service multiple times figuring out lighting.  The choir sang beautifully and the music director and a friend did a wonderful (though long) duet on piano and violin.  The worship started in darkness (or at least low lighting so people can still see the words in the hymnal) and with each carol or reading the light grew so that by the time it was read that they angels proclaimed "glory in the highest heavens and on earth peace among those whom he favors" the lights were all on, the tree and candles lit.

The 10pm service was more subdued, which is my preference for a late service on Christmas Eve.  The structure of the service was basically the same as a Sunday morning worship, only using some carols in place of the liturgical music (which was probably a good thing since that crowd had less singers in it).

I know there is much more I can say about these days, and I can say it in many more eloquent ways than I just did but in reality, three weeks later I'm still processing the day.  It was such a blessing to see so many people in worship, it was such a blessing to receive so many hugs from congregation members and meet some of their family members.  And it really was a blessing to walk into my office afterwards and see it littered with cards and gifts.

I was on cloud nine as Bob and I stayed up opening presents and having a celebratory drink.  And even the next day, as I tried to keep myself from falling asleep on a friend's couch (thank God I didn't have to host people on Christmas) I was still elated from Christmas.

And yes the numbers are great, but more so are the things that can be so easily quantified, the joy on people's faces, the quiet and stillness as we sang "Silent Night," the merriment as people gathered and chatted after the 10pm service and drank champagne (yeah we are that kind of congregation).

So much belated, Merry Christmas!

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