Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Two years? Really?

This past weekend at Synod Assembly, I was reminded that this week is the two year anniversary of my call vote.  And in fact that is today.

Seriously how has it been two years already?

Two years ago today I was nervous about my call vote because well it is a call vote, but also confident that things would go smoothly.  I was in a unusual situation of already having preached at Bethlehem 3 times, including just a few weeks prior so I was familiar with worship, had met many members and had just spend the weekend at assembly with the president of the congregation and the chair of the call committee.

I remember Victor, a then spouse of a member and now full member and council vice-president, sneaking out at the beginning of my sermon to take his son to a baseball game and him giving me a thumbs up.  And I remember waiting in the teeny tiny pastor's office with Bob while the vote occur and being lead back into the sanctuary to be told that the vote was unanimous.

And now a lot has changed in two years.

My office is still teeny tiny, but there are plans to move the church office downstairs and give me the whole upstairs office space.

Worship attendance has increased dramatically.  I can't tell you the number of times I have heard "I never used to see so and so but now they are in worship every week."  And membership has grown with 21 new members since I have started.

There is a huge sense of the Spirit at Bethlehem.  People witnessing to one another at the beginning of worship with how they have seen God in the past week.  Council and other meetings are full of energy and excitement as we discuss new ways of doing ministry by reaching out to the greater community and making worship and faith formation more meaningful.  (Granted this was also the mindset that I walked into at council, where I have never felt the need to cry in frustration after but often cry from laughter).

New leaders are emerging, youth stepping up to lead worship on a regular basis, and new members seamlessly taking on roles on committees.

Not everything has been a success.  I struggle to find ways to get people involved in bible study.  I had a meltdown the week after Easter when multiple volunteers and worship leaders canceled last minute.  Some sermons have flopped, some ideas have gone no where, sometimes joys turn into frustration.

But fortunately I have many, many more joys than frustrations.  I see excitement in people's lives as they connect more to God and the church.  I have laugh with the people of Bethlehem.  I have celebrated with them.  I have cried with them.  I have eaten with them. I have drunk with them. I have worshiped with them. I have prayed for and with them.  And I have even at times argued with them.  And I hope to be able to still do so for much longer as the Spirit is working through this wonderful congregation to which I have been called.

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