Monday, July 25, 2011

MMC: Last week of July

Good Morning Bethlehem!

I hope you are taking advantage of our cooler weather today but doing all the things outside you wouldn't dare venture to do this past weekend.  

A few quick announcements
  • Next week after worship a group from Bethlehem will be going to the Connecticut Wine Fest at the Goshen Fairgrounds.  Tickets are available at the gate for $25 an adult or $10 for under 21 or DD
  • The date of the outdoor worship & picnic has been changed!! Join us AUGUST 14 for worship on the lawn and a picnic.  Bring a side dish or dessert to share, hot dogs, hamburgers and veggies burgers will be provided.
Book of Faith Puzzler
Last week’s  question was: In the bible the first time people try to know the difference between wheat and weeds (good & evil) is A) the first sin B) Noah after the flood C)Abraham sacrificing Isaac D)The receiving of the 10 commandments In Genesis 3, the first people, Adam and Eve, ate from the tree in the center of the garden so that they may know good from evil.  Since the very beginning people have been trying to know the differences between what is good and what is evil.

This week’s question: Sunday's gospel consists of 5 parables, which of the following is not another parable that Jesus told?  A) The houses on rock and sand, B) the lost coin C) the wise baker D) the ten talents. If you know the answer or willing to look it up, let me know by noon on Wednesday to be entered into this week's drawing.

Yesterday's Sermon
If you missed it you can read it here.  Finish this sentence:  The kingdom of heaven is like _________.  How does having your own parable help you better understand heaven and your faith?  How does having your own parable help you talk to other about your faith?

Wednesday's worship
This coming Wednesday we will hear about Jesus calming the storm and talk about having peace and being still in our lives.  Worship begins at 7 but come early at 6:30 for dinner. 

Serving this Sunday
The following people have signed up to serving in worship for this coming Sunday, July 31
Worship Assistant: Ellen G
Reader: ______________
Communion Assistant: _________
Ushers: Bob MC & _______
Communion set up & clean up ________
Bread baker/bringer________
Offering counter:_________
Coffee Hour Host:_________

If you would like to serve in a way that is currently blank, please let me know.
Also there is a new worship leaders sign up sheet in the community room that goes through October.  Please sign up to serve however you feel gifted and called to do so.

This Sunday's Gospel
The gospel for this coming Sunday is Matthew 14:13-21.  We take a break from the parables to hear about Jesus feeding 5000 men, plus women and children.  What is the most extravagant meal you have ever had?  How many people ate with you?  When have you ate with a lot of people, a hundred or more? What is it like to eat with so many people?  Have you ever been part of an unexpected feast?

Hope you all have a great (and cooler) week!
~Pastor Becca

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