Monday, November 14, 2011

MMC: Christ the King

Thank you to everyone who made worship so enjoyable yesterday.  In some ways it was a little disjointed with Ingathering (thank you Ellen for setting up such a beautiful altar), a very weird gospel text and the farewell and godspeed for Bob, but there was also such a great sense of community in the sanctuary which is my favorite thing about Bethlehem.  (Well I have many favorite things but they all seem to go back to the sense of community in this congregation.)  Also if you forgot your food for Ingathering, please drop it off at the church or the parsonage by tomorrow at noon. (If I'm not home please leave it on the porch, and if you can't make it by the church, please either bring it Redding Social Services, at the Community Center, or any other food pantry that would appreciate a donation.)

A Few Announcements
  • Confirmation is meeting tomorrow (Tues) at 6pm at the parsonage
  • Senior Lunch is this Wednesday, Nov 16, at the Redding Roadhouse
  • Council is coming Sunday, Nov 20 after Worship
  • Grow 2 Gather is on Sunday, we will be packaging meals with an organization called Kids Care.  Everyone is invited to help us package 1002 meals in a morning. 
  • Redding Community Interfaith Thanksgiving Service is Wednesday Nov 23rd at 7:30pm at St. Patrick's Catholic Church (169 Black Rock Turnpike).  I will be preaching so you know the sermon will either be good or bad, depending on what you think of my preaching ;-)
Book of Faith Puzzler
The question from last week: How many plagues did God send on Egypt before Pharaoh allowed the Israelites to go (well before he then changed his mind and chased them to the Red Sea)? Chapters 5-12 of Exodus discuss the plagues that came to Egypt – blood, frogs, lice, flies, diseased livestock, boils, hail, locust, darkness and death of the first born – 10 plagues in all.  I decided to be generous and give all the kids who entered a prize; Nini C, Anna H, Anna R and Dylan R are our winners this week. 

This week’s question:  In today’s gospel, the NRSV translate the amount of money the slaves received as “talents” (Pastor Becca will use the word “million”); how much money was a “talent”?  A) A day’s wage B)A month’s wage C) a year’s wage D) 20 years of wages  If you know the answer, let me know, as of now I have had no guesses.

Yesterday's Sermon
What a wonderful conversation we had yesterday!  But I also know that I had to cut the conversation off due to time concerns.  For those of you waiting to say something and didn't, what were you going to say?  Have you thought of other ways that God is presented to us by society that doesn't make sense when you believe in a God full of love and grace?  If you missed the conversation, you can read the first part of it here.  

Serving this Sunday
The following people have signed up to serve in worship this week
Worship Assistant: Mark H
Communion Assistant: Anna H
Usher: __________ & __________
Bread Baker: Lynn T
Communion set up/clean up: ____________
Offering Counter: Frank C
Coffee Hour Host: ___________
If you would like to serve in one of the ways that is currently blank, please let me know.

Sunday's Texts
This Sunday is Christ the King, the last Sunday of the Christian church year.  And as you may guess by the title for the day, a lot of the readings have to do with Christ being the King of Kings.

The first reading is Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24. This passage actually refers to God being like a shepherd who seeks out his flock from among the many sheep.  How does God seek you out?  How does God feed you and care for you?

The second lesson is Ephesians 1:15-23.  The author is praising God for making Jesus not just the Lord of the church but the Lord of the whole universe.  How do you see Jesus as Lord of the whole universe?  

The gospel is Matthew 25:31-46.  Jesus envisions a future conversation where he will thank the righteous for giving him food when he was hungry, water when he was thirsty, and clothing when he was naked.  The righteous however will not realize that it was him when they did those things for the least of God's family. And a similar conversation will occur with the unrighteous however they never helped the least of God's family.  How do you help the least of God's family?  How could you be more giving of what you have?  

Hope you all have a great week!
~Pastor Becca

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