Monday, February 6, 2012

MMC: Super Bowl/ Souper Bowl of Caring Edition

Good Morning Bethlehem

Well the Giants might have won the actual Super Bowl, but they didn't win our Souper Bowl of Caring competition yesterday.  The Patriots bin raised $39.50 while the Giants raised only $26.07.  But all total that is $65.57 or 262 meals for hungry people in Connecticut.  The bins will be back this coming Sunday if Giants fans would like to prove they are as generous givers as they are cheers or if the Patriots fans would like to prove that they are gracious even when they loose.  You can also still bring in canned and boxed food for Redding Social Services.

A Few Announcements
ARE Team Meeting – Mon Feb 6, noon @Rancho Allegre
Hymn selection – Mon Feb 6, 7pm
Confirmation – Tue, Feb 7, 6pm
Grow 2 Gather – Sun Feb 12 9am
Council Meeting  - Sun Feb 12 after worship
Mark your calendars!  Mardi Gras Crepe Dinner is Saturday February 18.  Suggested donation of $9 for adults $4 for kids with all money raised going to Camp Calumet's Campaign for Today. 

Book of Faith Puzzler
The question from last week: According to Matthew 22, what is the greatest commandment?  A) To love the Lord B) To love you neighbor C) You should have no other gods D) Do not murder
Matthew 22:34-40, a Sadducees tests Jesus by asking him which commandment is the greatest.  Jesus replies “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” Congratulations to Judy C, this week's winner. 
This week’s question:  When does Jesus pray? A) at his baptism B) When he feed 5000 C) When he raised Lazarus from the dead D) in the garden of Gethsemane E) All of these times and more
As of now I have yet to receive any answers for this week's puzzler, so if you get your answer to me by noon on Wednesday you have a good chance of winning the puzzler. 

Yesterday's Sermon
I loved worship yesterday, in fact the installation worship service I went to in the afternoon was a bit of a let down after yesterday morning.  If you missed worship, you can read about it and the sermon here.    So where & when do you pray?  What do you pray for?  And what did you think of the prayers of the people yesterday?  Were you more prayerful as your prayers and the prayers of the people around you were read?  

Serving on Sunday
We have quite a few blank spaces for sign ups on Sunday, so please let me know if you are willing to volunteer.
Worship Assistant: _______
Reader: Nancy B
Ushers: _______ & __________
Communion set up & clean up: _________
Offering Counter: __________
Coffee Hour Host: Heloisa & Mark H

Sunday's Text
We are still in the season after Epiphany and as has been a theme the last few weeks, the texts are about healing. 

The first lesson is 2 Kings 5:1-14.  Naaman has leprosy and is sent to Elisha for healing.  Elisha tells him to immerse himself in the Jordan river 7 times and he will be made clean.  But Naaman does not like this advice as it is a muddy river in a far away (for him) land and at first Naaman refused.  However his servants convince him to go to the Jordan and there he is made clean.  When have you not wanted to do something, even something beneficial to you, because it was too inconvenient or you thought you were better than that?  Did you need someone else to convince you to try?

The second lesson is 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, a passage that many athletes find strength in as Paul asks "Do you not know that in a race the runners all compete, but only one receives the prize?"  What do you compete in?  When have you competed and not won the prize?  What does that do to you mentally, spiritually and possibly physically for the next competition?

The gospel is Mark 1:40-45, Jesus healing a leper.  After healing the leper, Jesus orders the man not to tell anyone, which the man then ignores and word about Jesus spreads so quickly that he "could no longer go into a town openly."  Why do you think Jesus tells the leper not to tell others how he was healed?  When have you don't something people tell you not to do?  Why did you do it?  

Hope you all have a great week. 

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