Sunday, August 8, 2010

Are You Talking to Me?

Today's gospel lesson is Luke 12:31-41.  The lectionary ends at verse 40 but I added verse 41 since I think Peter's question is in response to what Jesus was just saying and not what he says starting in verse 42.  I also added verse 41 because I believe that verse is never used in the lectionary but yet Peter's question is very meaningful and one that we often have, though it comes out at "Jesus isn't really talking to me there."


Some of you following along may have realized that I added an extra verse to the Gospel, verse 41: Peter said, “Lord, are you telling this parable for us or for everyone?” How often do we have that question! And boy does the answer matter.

If it is for everyone, well then we don’t have to pay as much attention because we know ninety percent of the people who hear it won’t follow Jesus’ instructions, so we can get away with doing less. But if Jesus is talking to just us, well then we better pay attention and do what Jesus says to do.

We do this all the time, if someone is telling us directly to do something then you normally do it, or at least debate the person why you shouldn’t. But if the politician, parent, spokesperson, or preacher is talking to everyone then it is much easier to ignore. This is why in first aid training they teach you that in case of an emergency you are to point directly to a person and say “you, call 9-1-1” instead of just shouting to a room full of people, “someone call an ambulance”

So is Jesus talking to everyone or just the disciples? Well both. Jesus was talking to the disciples, but he is also talking to us through scripture as we are now his disciples. And therefore he is talking to everyone and to us, here, in this room today.

But then if Jesus is talking to us, does that mean that I need to sell my possessions and be on constant guard. Isn’t that a little anxiety producing? What am I going to do without my stuff?

If Jesus walked into this room today and said the same words he said to the disciples: “Sell you possessions, and give alms. Make purses for yourselves that do not wear out, an unfailing treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Be dressed for action and have your lamps lit.” If Jesus said those words to you today, what would be your biggest anxiety?

Selling homes, cars, clothing. How will I survive? Why do I have to become poor in order to make the poor rich? What if I’m not ready?

For me the biggest anxiety would be “What if I’m not ready?” What if I fall asleep or am distracted by other things? What if I don’t recognize Jesus? What if I’m not appropriately dressed? What if someone else beats me to the door? What if my fire goes out?

When we realize Jesus is talking directly to us, it can produce a lot of anxiety. All the what if’s, I’m not ready’s, Do I have to’s and Why me’s. Anxiety in the form of concerns about being right with God. Anxiety about what will happen next. When we realize Jesus is talking directly to us there is no where to run, no where to hide, no person to pass the blame on to or say “I was just following everyone else’s example.” Just like when the police officer is directly behind you and you can no longer pretend that he is after someone else on the road.

And Jesus is talking directly to us, Jesus is in our rearview mirror with lights flashing, ready to pull us over to get our attention. But he is not there to write us a ticket for not following his words, he is not there to say “do you know why I pulled you over?” and make you sweat it out as you figure out exactly how long he has been following you (because I hate to break it to you but he has been following you your entire life, he knows every law, every commandment you have broken).

Instead Jesus is there to give us the kingdom of God. Jesus is telling us not to be afraid, do not have anxieties, do not worry about the future. Jesus is there to give us a place where our treasure cannot be stolen. Jesus is there to serve us just like the master of the house will feed the salves when he returns. Jesus is there to serve us, he serves us every week in communion, he serves us in listening to all of our prayers and he serves us in every moment of our lives.

Jesus is talking directly to us, both about selling our possessions but also in telling us that God’s good pleasure is to give us the kingdom. Jesus is talking to us directly, warning us to be ready, but also promising that he is going to return for us. He is telling us, his disciples, that God’s abundance, God’s kingdom is there for the taking. He is telling us that yes we have many purses items from above but only one treasure, the treasure in heaven. Jesus is telling us to give to those in need but not in order to elevate poverty but in order to show others the generosity that comes from God, the generosity that comes in the form of God’s kingdom that is the Father’s good pleasure to give us. So yes Jesus is talking to us, to you and to me, and he is telling us that we must give and receive; that he is coming and yet is already here; that when we serve others he is already serving us. Jesus is telling us do not be afraid!

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