I knew that I was reliant on the internet, and I would even admit to times being addicted to the internet, but I did not realize just how much the internet effected a large majority of my life until earlier this week.
On Sunday mornings, I get up and head over to the church by 8:30, (I normally try for earlier but 8:30 is about the earliest I tend to make it). Bob meanwhile takes his time and comes over at 9am for bible study. After worship and coffee hour, I normally have a meeting have some office work to do, or stick around and chat with people. Bob normally sticks around for coffee hour and heads home and studies or works until I get back to the house.
This past Sunday Bob bible study was sort of canceled since we were the only two that showed up and I didn't have much time to prepare due to the pasta dinner this past Saturday. So Bob went back to the house to study. (It is very convenient that we live only 50 yards from the church). When he came back for worship, a little earlier than normal he said something about the internet not working (not entirely a new thing for us) and played with the modem which in my office.
After worship and coffee hour he went home and came back a little while later again saying that the internet wasn't working. He looked up AT&T's phone number in church's file but when he tried the church's phone there wasn't a dial tone. So he got on his cell phone and 20 minutes later proclaimed that the autobot told him that the internet will be fixed by Tuesday! What 3 days without the internet!
A few phone calls later to talk be able to talk a real person, we were told that there was a major malfunction and crews were working on it but it would be out till Tuesday.
Okay I can live without the internet for a few days, it is no big deal.
But Saturday I made a mint cheesecake for Luther House at Yale were I was bringing dinner to that evening. I still needed to make the topping but the recipe is on the internet. So I called my parents and after a failed Google search for the recipe, I was able to give my dad the web address for the recipe and make sure I had the right amount of ingredients (good thing I had made the the cheesecake a few times before).
After making the cheesecake and taking a nap, I really just wanted to take an hour or so and veg watching while watching tv before going to Luther House and then theology pub. But we don't have cable and we do not get any reception here in the hills of Connecticut so we watch all of our tv online, mainly on Hulu. Okay so no tv watching for me.
I decided to read instead, but I have a hard time reading in silence and often have pandora.com on while I read or I listen to npr.org while typing. Because like the tv reception we get about 3 radio stations fairly spotty in our house. And this is how little traditional radio we listen to, I had to go find a radio and plug it in.
After Theology Pub, I checked my email on my phone (YAY phone technology) and also checked my calendar for the upcoming week since it too is on the internet. Luckily there was nothing that I forgot about.
Bob works from home on Monday, normally writing and coordinating volunteers for later in the week, via email. I spend a good part of my Monday sending emails about upcoming events or coordinating with people, getting and reading commentaries on the upcoming Sunday's lectionary text via the internet, sending out my Monday Morning Church email, posting it on this blog, etc.
So we decided to work from the library on Monday (gratefully they do not use AT&T and therefore had internet). But we didn't know the library hours since normally we would look that up on the internet or their phone number (again needing the internet) so we ended up showing up an half hour before they officially opened an hung out in the lobby until the rest of the building opened.
We ended up renting movies from the library for our evening entertainment, and luckily by the time we were done watching them the internet was back up so I didn't have to figure out what else to do with myself.
Ohh internet, how you have seeped into just about every aspect of our lives. Please do not leave me again soon.
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