Monday, February 7, 2011

MMC: Murder, Adultery, Divorce, Oh My!

Good Morning Bethlehem!

I hope that you are recovering well from your Super Bowl parties and that you enjoyed the game.

A few announcements
  • Due to an illness, Adele's baptism has been postponed by two weeks.  We will celebrate Adele becoming a daughter of God on February 20th.  
  • If you forgot, or were not able to bring food for Souper Bowl of Caring yesterday, please let me know.  I will dropping off the food at Redding Social Services on Wednesday.  
  • Our next giving basket drive is for cleaning supplies.  Please bring in any household or personal cleaning supplies throughout February and March.  
  • A new Worship Leader sign up sheet is out.  Next time you are in the Community Room, please take a look and sign up to serve in the following areas: worship assistant, reader, communion assistant, usher, bread baker, coffee hour host, altar set up/clean up, or offering counter.  
Yesterday's Sermon
If you weren't in worship or would like to read it, it can be found here.  How does your light shine before others?  What does it mean to you to be the light of the world?  What is one way you can help your light grow and glow stronger this week?

Book of Faith Puzzler
Last week's question was:Today’s Gospel reading is Matthew’s version of the beatitudes.  What other Gospel contains the beatitudes?  A) Mark B) Luke C) John D) Mark and Luke E) none.   The beatitudes are found in Matthew 5:1-12 and Luke 6:20-26.  Though Luke’s version has woes along with blessings. Congratulations to Tori for winning the Puzzler!

This week’s question: In today’s gospel, Jesus calls us the light of the world.  In what gospel does Jesus say “I am the light of the world”?  A) Matthew, B) Mark C) Luke D) John E) all of them  Email me with you answer by noon on Wednesday to be entered into this week's drawing.  

Sunday's Text
The first lesson is Deuteronomy 30:15-20.  Moses tells the Israelites they have a choice between following God's commandments and living and prospering or disobeying God's commandments and perishing.  How are you still faced with that choice today?  How do you prosper when you obey God?  How do you perish when you disobey? 

The second lesson is 1 Corinthians 3:1-9.  Paul uses the analogy of feeding people like babies when they were not yet ready to understand the mysteries of faith.  How has your understanding of faith (or aspects of faith) changed over your life?  What were some advantages of having a child-like faith?  What are some advantages of being fed "solid food" when hearing about God?

The gospel is Matthew 5:21-37.  Jesus tells his hearers to be righteous by the laws of Moses by not murdering, committing adultery, divorcing, or swearing falsely in action or thought.  We all have broken these commandments by our thoughts, if not our actual actions. When you are faced so blatantly with the law, how do you feel?  How does it also feel to know that even though we break these laws, that God still loves us and Jesus still came for us?  

Hope you all have a great (and hopefully shovel-less) week.  
Pastor Becca

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