Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Following the Leaders

The other week a few Stitch and Bitch friends post a meme of sorts and I thought I would follow along.

1. What’s your staple meal (ie. what meal do you cook most often when you can’t be bothered to be adventurous)?
Depends on the season.  Summer tends to be salads or veggies and veggie burgers on the grill.  Fall and early winter are roasted root veggies.  Winter I go for perogies and soup.  Spring is salads and sandwiches.  And fancy mac and cheese is a year round staple. 

2. What do you want to be when you grow up?
As a kid I wanted to be a singer (HA) a forest ranger, and an environmentalist/conservationist/tree hugger.  I started college intending to be a high school math teacher.  Now I'm content as a pastor and I haven't given thoughts to another call and really have no desire to be a bishop or work on synod/churchwide staff. Let's see if those words come back to haunt me ;-) 

3. What book are you reading at the moment (if any)?
I always have two books (three counting the Bible).  Currently I'm a little over half way through The Girl who Played with Fire by Steig Larson for fun reading.  Ministry related I'm reading Teaching Godly Play by Jerome Berryman.  And for devotional reading I'm in the middle of Numbers.  In fact I just read one of my favorite random Old Testament stories last night - Balaam and his donkey - Numbers 22-24

4. How do you relax?
Watching tv, needlepointing, going for a long walk, talking with friends, reading a good book.  

5. What color are the interior walls of your home?
Kitchen - orangish yellow, livingroom/diningroom - greenish blue, sitting room - tan, downstairs bath - purply blue, bedroom - lilac, office - light green, upstairs bath - white (I was denied a red bathroom!)

6. What is your guiltiest pleasure?
Probably crappy tv, so it is a good thing that I can only watch tv online since there is not the option of getting sucked into an all day Toddlers and Tiara's marathon or How the Earth began or those other shows that you have on as background noise but 4 hours later can't pull yourself away from.

7. What time is bedtime and getting up time?
While Bob was in school, bedtime was around 11 and we got up at 7.  Since he hasn't been going to school it really depends on what we have scheduled but still roughly the same.

8. How long do you spend reading blogs (per day or per week)?
Normally an hour every other day or so, so maybe 4 hours a week.  But lately I've been playing catch up from vacation so I'm closer to an hour a day.  

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