Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Questions about work and stuff

Good Morning

Sorry for the day delay, airports and airplanes do not have the best internet access.

This coming Sunday we will be worshipping outdoors, in the beauty of God’s sanctuary. Please bring lawn chairs or blankets to sit on during worship. The service itself will be similar to what we are used to but also different enough to add some variety to our worship lives.

After worship will be a potluck picnic. Hot dogs, hamburgers and veggie burgers will be provide by Ancona’s, but please let myself or Ellen Grunsell know that you are coming and how many meat products you want so that we make sure we have ample but not abundant food available.

Also this coming Sunday is the start of Lydmilla’s new contract year as our church musician, please come and give thanks for her many talents and skills that have graced and blessed our worship over the past few years and hopefully for many years to come.

A few of you may be asking yourself or others where I was this past Sunday. Last week I was able to attend a conference on stewardship sponsored by Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. I then had the blessing and honor to stick around the Twin Cities area through the weekend in order to baptize Bob and my nephew/godson. You can check out my blog at adventuresofthecalled.blogspot.com in the next few days for more information about the stewardship conference and the baptism.

Now onto the text:

The first lesson is Ecclesiastes1:2,12-14; 2:18-23. For what reason do you work? For a paycheck? A clean home? Food from the field? For the joy you receive from a job well done? Because you enjoy working hard? For your manager/boss/supervisor to swoop in last minute and take all the credit? We work for many reason, for what reason do you work? Do you see this as good or bad?

The second lesson is Colossians 3:1-11. What is earthly in your life? Do you wish to put those things to death? How do those things separate you from others? How can you put Christ first so that he is all and in all?

The gospel is Luke 12:13-21. When have you made plans for them to fall through? What balance have you found between saving for the future, spending and enjoying life today and giving to those in need? How is he a judge and arbitrator? How is he not?

Hope you have a wonderful week!

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