Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fully Installed

Yes I am now fully installed - much like a dishwasher. On Sunday afternoon, Bethlehem hosted a worship of installation. The same band who played for my first Sunday played again for gathering music, joined the choir during the offertory anthem and joined with our organist for the sending hymn. The dean of the local conference of ELCA pastors presided for the beginning of the service and over the rite of installation, and the pastor from the church Bob and I attended last year in New Haven preached. All it all it was a wonderful service.

The sermon focused on the pastor being the shepherd, leading people to water at the baptismal font and food physically at the Lord's Table and spiritually at the pulpit as well as how we embody Christ when we share the peace with one another.

And of course afterward we had a wonderful reception. I am constantly amazed by Susan's ability to transform our regular old community room into an entertaining space.

It was a great afternoon of worship and evening of fellowship as we welcomed our guests.

And now all the celebrations are over (other than our open house) as I'm now official, official.

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