Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Elijah, Communion and Homemade Bread

Saturday my God moment was at Worship Together.  It is amazing how the boys are running around and crazy but as soon as we sit down to tell a story they are a captive audience.  We have been practicing for the dramatic reading on Palm Sunday and hearing one of the youngest ones say "He must be calling for Elijah" just makes your heart melt.

On Sunday I felt God during communion.  Now one would think that as a pastor I must then be completely reverent during communion and solemnly say "Body of Christ given for you" over and over again.  Well I do say that but I include names, but I also share comments with parishioners quiet often.  As one guy was talking to the person behind him while waiting to go up to the altar and then didn't realize it was he turn, he practically ran up to the altar and I said "there is no rush to the Lord's table."  Another person always teases me by cupping his hands to receive the bread but also opening his mouth so I would place it on his tongue the old-school way (which to me is just gross, granted I do place the bread in is 10 month old sons mouth).  As one family went up to the railing I realize that the son was not there, though he was in worship, so I asked where the son was, got a shrug of the shoulders and gave the dad two pieces of bread, one for him and one for his son.  Just to partake in this holy meal but still realize that we are human is a God moment for me.

Yesterday as I was preparing a snack, I realized that everything on my plate I had made from scratch.

(sorry for the cell phone quality picture) Homemade bread that I made on Saturday, apple butter that I made this past fall and strawberry jam that I made last spring. There is just something about eating a meal that you made from scratch that fills you will pride and accomplishment.

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