Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Where Have You Seen God this Week?

The idea of blogging my God moments (which granted I have not been good about this last week as I've been busy preparing for Holy Week) came out of three things.

  1. A sermon I wrote a few weeks before Lent about living into a new economy where we focus on God's abundant love.  
  2. A conversation I had with a friend  about God Moments and getting our congregations to realize we are constantly having those moments.  
  3. A question that I have been asking in some form or another since August at the beginning of worship: Where have you seen God this week?

That question has been life giving.  It has been awe-inspiring.  It has change Bethlehem's culture. And it has been such a blessing.

Each week at the end of the announcements, which are at the beginning of worship, I ask this question to help us transition our mindset from the to-do list mentality announcements can be like to one of worship.

The first few weeks, even months that I asked Bethlehem "Where have you seen God this week?" I got a lot of blank stares, a few jokes and it often seemed like it was only the same two people answering that question week after week.  But once that foundation has been laid, it is now a vital part of our worship service.

This past Sunday, 17 people answered that question.  That is huge for any congregation but when you consider that we had 35 people in worship that is the Holy Spirit working!  And the people who answered varied in age from 10 to...well lets just say I would get hit if I posted their age but to give you some idea later she talked about teaching Sunday School to someone who is now retired.  A visitor even answered as well and introduced herself and her daughter.

The people of Bethlehem are seeing God everywhere!  A nurse told a story about a patient being upset and hostile and when she call on God he calmed down within minutes.  A kid talked about being upset about not being able to find something and her parents helped her and how God was there.  Many people see God in all the spring flowers and wildlife that has been reemerging in recent weeks.  Others see God in funny mishaps or even videos that were passed onto them via YouTube.

It has been such a blessing to share our God moments.  Really it gives me chills!

As a church universal I think we have gotten away from personally telling about how we have seen God and have been affected by God's grace.  And yet that is the heart of the church, telling our stories, sharing how Jesus has changed us.  Paul told his conversion story, the disciples shared their experiences with Jesus, the prophets told of their conversations with God.  These people were changed by God and the through their stories the Holy Spirit work in other who came and join their community, their faith.  Therefore I do not find it surprising at all that since this question has started to be asked, we have grown both in attendance and in membership.

And that is just one of the many ways that I have seen God through the people of Bethlehem.

So where have you seen God this week? 

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