Monday, January 16, 2012

MMC: Calling the Disciples

 Good morning Bethlehem

I'm sure many of you are riding high after wins by New England and the Giants this weekend or you are basking in the after-glow of the Golden Globes last night.  And I'm sure even more of you are enjoying this day of celebration as our nation remembers the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.  Please take a moment today to not just give thanks for his life and the many ways our country has changed as a result of his ministry but to also continue his message.  One of MLK's many quotable quotes is this:  "If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?" But the good Samaritan reversed the question: "If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?"  So who can you help today to change that person's life?

A Few Announcements
Senior Lunch Wed Jan 4, noon at – East Ridge Café in Ridgefield
Grow 2 Gather Sunday Jan 22 9am
Worship Committee Meeting Sunday Jan 22, after worship
American Red Cross Blood Drive sponsored by Girl Scout Troop 50122 will be at First Church of Christ Congregational, 25 Cross HighwayRedding on Friday, January 20th, from 1:45 - 6:45  Walk-ins welcome or donors can make an appointment at or by calling 1-800-733-2767 Reward: A coupon for a free pound of Dunkin' Donuts coffee (Give a pint, get a pound!)


Book of Faith Puzzler
The question from last week: In Acts 8, where does Philip baptize the Ethiopian eunuch? A)In the River Jordan B)In the sea of Galilee C)In the Dead Sea D)In some water near the road
In Acts 8:26-40, it tells of Phillip being sent by an angel of the Lord to the road between Jerusalem & Gaza where he came across an Ethiopian eunuch who wished to be baptized.  In verse 36, “as they were going along the road, they came to some water.” and the Ethiopian was baptized.  This was probably more than just a puddle as he “came up out of the water” put otherwise we do not know how great the body of water was.  Congratulations to this week's winner Dorothy H. 

This week’s question:  In the gospel of John, Andrew, Simon Peter, Philip and Nathanael were the first disciples to follow Jesus.  Who were the first disciples to follow Jesus in Mark (hint look near the beginning).  A)Simon, Andrew, James & John B) James, John, Bartholomew & Matthew C) Andrew, Simon, Thomas & Jude D) Judas, Philip, Matthew, Mark.
Email me your answer by noon on Wednesday to be entered into this week's drawing. 

Yesterday's Sermon
As I mentioned yesterday in worship, I was struggling all week about my sermon. And then it came together during our first hymn when we sang the line "Will you love the you you hid, if I but call your name?"  You can read more about this process here.  What is the you that you hid?  How do you hid it?  Who is the true you that Jesus is saying "follow me" to?

Serving on Sunday
The following people have signed up to serve in worship this coming Sunday
Worship Assist: Mark H
Reader: Paul B
Communion Assistant: Heloisa H
Ushers_____ & _______
Communion set up:________
Counter: Nancy B
Coffee Hour Host: Barbara & Nini C

If you are able to serve in one of the ways that is currently blank, please let me know

Sunday's Texts
As we continue this season after Epiphany, our stories continue with themes of calling, this time we hear about Jonah and some of Jesus' first disciples.  
The first reading is Jonah 3:1-5, 10.  Jonah really is a funny book.  Personally I think that if you don't laugh while reading it, you either don't get it or you are taking your faith much too seriously.  Here is a guy who is told by God to go to Nineveh but he runs the other way, gets thrown out of the boat, swallowed by a fish and then given a 2nd chance by God to go to Nineveh.  This time he goes and while he doesn't preach exactly what God tells him to, he tells the city that they are doomed.  Within a day the people repent and then Jonah gets upset because God decided not to destroy the city.  When has God given you a second chance?  (or a third? or a fourth?) Have you ever changed your ways (repented) after being warned that your current actions were going to cause you to be destroyed?

The second reading is 1 Corinthians 7:29-31.  Paul says that if we are married or mourning or rejoice or rich, that we should not act that way because the world is passing away.  Paul thought that Jesus was coming back in his lifetime, but now 2000 years later, Jesus has not returned and we, as humans, live life including marriage, and mourning & rejoice and even buying things.  How do you keep in tension that the fact that we are living life as God has created us, but Jesus is coming?

The gospel is Mark 1:14-20.  Jesus calls 4 disciples who all leave their nets, boats and family and follow Jesus.  Are you called to leave behind part of your life to follow Jesus? Or can you follow Jesus while still keeping your career, your family, your life?
Hope you have a great week!
~Pastor Becca

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