Monday, March 28, 2011

MMC: Light and Dark

Good Morning Bethlehem,

I hope you all are enjoying this find Monday morning.

A few quick announcements
  • If you forgot to bring in your spring cleaning items, let me know soon.  I'm planning on bringing the items to Redding Social Services later this week
  • Mark your calendar to be at Bethlehem on Palm Sunday April 17th.  During worship the kids and youth (along with some help from a few adults) we be leading us in worship as we walk through Matthew's passion narrative. Then after worship there will be an Easter Festival with a potluck lunch and a few craft projects lead by our high school students.
  • The Sunday morning bible study group is starting to look at the book of Revelation.  Please join us at 9am look into this mysterious book.

Book of Faith Puzzler
Last week's question was: What were Cain and Abel’s vocations?According to Genesis 4:2 “Abel was a keeper of sheep and Cain was a tiller of the ground.”  So Abel was a herder and Cain was a farmer.  Congratulations to Lillian J. for being this week's winner. 

This week's question is: In the gospel on Sunday, we heard about the Samaritan woman who was going to draw water from the well.  What other story in John talks about people drawing water?  A)Jesus’ baptism B) The feeding of the 5,000 C) The wedding at Cana D) Jesus walking on water. If you know the answer email me by noon on Wedndesday.  

Yesterday's Sermon
You can read it here if you missed it.  For my own preaching preparation: how did you enjoy a first person narrative sermon?  Could you relate to the woman at the well more?  Were you confused?  Did you feel commissioned by her to go out and be a sower and reaper for Jesus?
Spiritually:  How are you a sower and reaper for Jesus?  Why do you tell others about Jesus?  Why don't you?
Sunday's worship
Serving in worship on Sunday:
Worship Assistant: Ellen G.
Reader: Ellen G.
Communion Assistant: _____
Ushers: ______
Coffee Hour hosts: Cheryl & Victor M & family
Monthly Bread Baker: Frank C.
If you would like to be an usher or communion assistant on Sunday, please let me know.
This week's texts
The first reading is 1 Samuel 16:1-13.  Samuel is called by God to go anoint a new king, one of Jesse's son.  But David being the youngest was out in the fields and not first brought forward to Samuel.  When has the option you choose not been the obvious first choice?  Did your decision turn out to be a good or bad thing?
The second reading is Ephesians 5:8-14.  We are told that "you were darkness, but now in the Lord you are light. Live as children of light."  What does it mean for you to live as a child of the light?  Do you live in light or in darkness?

The gospel is another long one John 9:1-41.  Jesus heals a man that is born blind.  But this raises suspicions about Jesus from the Pharisees who interrogate the man born blind.  And the chapter ends with Jesus talking about spiritual blindness.  When has your desire to stick to the rules hindered your ability to receive a blessing?  When have you been blinded to something that others seemed to understand easily? 

Hope you all have a great week and see you on Sunday, if not before. 
Pastor Becca

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