Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Quiet Day

Last night as I was laying in bed before I went to bed I was thinking about where I saw God and God's love in my life that day.  And my first answer was "I didn't really see God today."

What!  How did I not see God yesterday?

Well I lead a really exciting life, let me tell you.  I got up, went to text study, then spent a few hours working at the library with a quick stop first to get some lunch at the local market.  Then I came home and hung out with my dogs and watched tv.  Yes, a highly exciting life.

And while I don't have a a specific moment yesterday when I truly felt God's presence or an experience when I saw God's love in something, I know that God was with me.  In the wonderful thought provoking conversation with my colleagues, I know that God was there.  In the public physicality filled with resources beyond what many people throughout time and the world  could imagine, God was with me.  In the delicious soup that others prepared for my lunch, God was there. Even in the ability for me just to do much of nothing, God was with me.

So yes many days we don't directly feel God's presence, but God is still there.

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