Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Stiff Muscles

As I mentioned yesterday, Bob and I removed stumps on Sunday which took us a few hours.  And yesterday I ached as a result, fortunately not too badly, just a slightly sore left thigh, shoulders, biceps and the palms of my hands from where I was pushing on the stumps to move it so Bob could get under them better to clip the roots.

But as I sat in my chair in the living room yesterday, reading commentaries on this coming Sunday's text, at one point I felt a calm presence around me and could feel the ache in my shoulders and biceps release.  It is really a hard moment to explain but as I was reading commentaries on God loving the whole world I felt like God was there massaging my tired muscles, releasing the ache from the previous day's work, allowing for me to better understand what I was reading and to better hear what God was telling me through these scholars.

I'm sure to some people I sound crazy, "How could God massage my muscles?" but that is not really it either.  As I said it is hard to describe.  Really it was just a moment that I knew that God was with me and in that could feel my tension, my cares, both physical and mental release.

When have you felt God's presence in your life?

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